Light in the Paranormal By Dr. Kimberly Rackley

Originally posted on July 24, 2013

Light, exactly what defines it in terms of Metaphysics and how does it apply to the Paranormal Field?

First let us have a refresher course on the definition of light according to who or what is defining it.

In the Bible light is mentioned often and referred to as wisdom, truth and God. In Holistic medicine it is referred to as the place in the Universe where all good resides and comes from. In Metaphysics Light is often referred to as a frequency of perfection that is source and is the potential of all things as we all are source within. Light waves were the first recognized in the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiations. In Science Light is defined in terms of wave lengths, wave length is the property that is the distance between identical points between two successive waves. The distance between one crest (trough) of one wave and the next is the wavelength of the wave. So how does this knowledge apply to the paranormal?

As a medium I see our reality and the paranormal first in terms of energy or frequencies. Light is a frequency in different expressions, values or strengths that vibrate through everything as everything. In the manifestation of a spirit for example, light not only can be drawn upon from other sources for a spirit to manifest but the spirit is a wave of light itself. It is in truth using the very substance so to speak that it exist in to manifest at a frequency visible to a medium’s eye or even that of those who experience an apparition. The intelligence or consciousness of a spirit, entity or ghost must be somewhat aware of energy for it to be able manipulate and draw upon the very essence of life itself which is light.

Light exist in all things at some level and vibration. It can be absorbed, intended into or as something. Light for me could be defined as the fifth element. Light used and intended by a medium or a paranormal investigator can, cleanse, protect and heal individuals or a location. For every frequency of light there are realms and beings. The state of consciousness of the one calling upon or intending light into something determines the effect that light will have on something else that is light.

If you believe in the other-side you are probably aware of the white light or the tunnel of light that appears upon death that the soul enters to cross to the other-side. This frequency of light is a very high vibration of light that some call spiritual light or God light. In this light there is Joy and forgiveness. It is this frequency of light that a Paranormal investigator would need to call upon in aiding a spirit to cross over during an investigation. This very light of Joy is what most spirits fear either out of feelings of unworthiness, anger at God or fear of separation. The same applies to earth bound spirits, they are aware of this vibration of light but choose out of a misguided belief that the light is not for them to stay earthbound. There are many reasons a soul chooses to stay earth bound but I have found that fear of the light itself is what causes many souls to remain.

I have found that during an investigation if such a spirit or soul is encountered it is helpful if the investigator or medium can produce that frequency of light (joy and forgiveness) which is then impressed upon the soul or spirit so that they can feel the frequency and know that they are safe to cross into that light. The investigator represents a physical form that the spirit or soul can identify with, if the investigator is comfortable and projecting feelings of safety and joy the spirit still identifying itself as part of the physical realizes that if a human can match the vibration of the light that calls them then they too are able to do so. It’s rather like counseling but through feeling and vibration. The spirit must feel worthy and safe enter the light. This may all sound mamby pandy to hardcore investigators but the light we hold in ourselves going into an investigation, as well as our beliefs and level of consciousness all effect what we experience in the paranormal. I hope that any investigators first priority in any investigation is to bring resolution and healing not only to the client but to the spirits as well. Applying energetic and spiritual tools such as light in paranormal investigations greatly increases successful and happy outcomes for all concerned.

©Dr. Kimberly Rackley 2013

Observations from a Client

I am honored to have been asked to repost this here. Its just a something I thought about after speaking with Scott last night. When you have truly been haunted and lived in fear of your own soul being lost to what ever it is in your home making your life hell you want people like Nightside Paranormal there for you.

What I have learned about paranormal investigation teams…

You have scrupulous and unscrupulous investigators. There are those that want to truly help a person or family. Then there are those just out for the mighty dollar. Those that respect their field and those that make a joke of it. The ones that have a true desire to help will tell you that they don’t have all the answers. They learn on the job and through trial and error of their own and others in the same field. Nothing is a sure thing… If they say they know every aspect of this field they are lying to you and themselves. THE WHOLE POINT OF AN INVESTIGATION is to LEARN and TRY to find proof! No one person has all the answers.

DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why they say don’t try this at home? These people are no different than you and I other then they are taking a BIG risk. They are taking their lives into their hands when doing this type of work. Even though they take precautions to protect themselves they are still taking a chance of bringing the energy of the place or a negative entity/spirit home with them. What I have learned is that by them doing EVP’s and communicating with spirits in various forms is no different than using a spirit board (which is highly regarded as a clear invitation for trouble).

So my hats off to the investigators out there that have a true desire to help others and are not looking to see what they can get out of it for themselves. For putting themselves at risk to help others!

Nightside Paranormal are one of the few that truly care!


(Client name removed)

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Nightside Paranormal Investigations or it’s members.

A letter from Thomas Fusco to Jim Malliard

Hi Jim,

Thanks for having me as a guest on your show. Although we didn’t have the time to get into many of the details of my model of “paranormal mechanics” explained in my book Behind The Cosmic Veil (, we had the opportunity to discuss a number of topics relating to the field of paranormal research. These were of sufficient importance for me to write a brief summary of them for your website.

First is that science is the inevitable and inescapable destination of all paranormal research. The path will be the same as it was for astrology, which eventually evolved into mainstream astronomy from the cumulative effect of scientific findings and observations over a long period of time. However, there are many factions currently within the paranormal community, each with their own goals and agendas, some of which are not conducive to a scientific perspective. The conflict between these motives is what hinders and even subverts scientific advancement. While some fully embrace scientific examination of the paranormal, others are dead-set opposed. For example, some who emphasize the mystical experience, as well as those whom you might call the ‘thrill-seekers’, see scientific analysis of paranormal phenomena as raining on their parade. I’ve actually had a few of these assert dogmatically to me that scientific understanding of the paranormal is impossible, and openly criticize and even mock any attempt to do so. But the real motivation behind this position is that science threatens to de-mystify the paranormal. Understanding the workings of a thing diminishes its thrill value and magical qualities. No one riding a roller coaster and screaming in delightful fright wants the downer of contemplating the physics of the machine to get in the way of the fun. Paranormal ‘entertainers’ can fall under the same category—no mystique, no entertainment value. Then there is what you might call the ‘ugly bug’ syndrome—it’s the kid that brings an ugly bug or some other crawly creature inside to show Mom, who then recoils and squirms while demanding the disgusting thing be taken out of the house. It gives the child a sense of power and prestige—the power over Mom to scare her, and the prestige of wielding something that intimidates the establishment. How delightful! Now substitute the general public for Mom. Then look for a paranormal team’s website that has the flying bats, spooky background music, gothic clothing and hairstyle, black fingernail polish, flashlights under the chin in their photos, Satanic tattoos and the like—you just found the kid with the ugly bug. And let’s not even talk about the fraudsters, whom everyone condemns. Clearly, scientific advances in deciphering the paranormal pose a direct threat to the gratification sought by the thrill seekers, entertainers and ugly buggers.

I hear teams speak of paranormal ‘unity’ from time to time. But with extreme conflicts like the one above among the paranormal community itself, there’s little chance of such unity coming from within. I believe unity will only come from the outside, that is, from the general public eventually embracing one of the paranormal factions as the mainstream representation of the field. If you question the power of the public to establish a norm, then think about the present success enjoyed by all those paranormal TV shows. Do you think they’d still be on the air if they were being watched and supported solely by the relatively small paranormal community? Even the fervent pleas of the trekkies could not keep Star Trek: Enterprise on the air. But as it stands now, the public generally lumps paranormal investigation into a single perception. To them, it’s all “those weird people who investigate all that spooky stuff,” and/or an entertaining curiosity. They do not make the distinctions between the kinds of opposing approaches recognized within the community, because in the public eye, all of it is weirdness. Additionally, the public standard for how a paranormal investigation should be conducted has become what they see on TV. We are aware of how many paranormal teams have sprung up following the procedures and methods seen on the TV shows. Why are they imitating these shows? Not because of any internal standards established by the paranormal community at large, but because the TV model is what has been embraced by the viewing public as the mainstream norm, and so that approach is what the public expects of them. Still think it’s not the external public perception that will be the driving force that helps establish what constitutes ‘mainstream’ in the paranormal field? Think again.

But what happens when the novelty wears off and all the paranormal TV shows go away? We all know that day is coming. What happens when the viewing public grows weary of watching ‘televestigators’ run around dark buildings to seek out paranormal phenomena, which they then dangle in front of the camera like a display in some macabre freak show? How many EVPs will the public listen to before fatigue and boredom set in? As mentioned before, these shows will not survive on the patronage of the paranormal community alone. Even now within the community, we see comments on paranormal forums telling what programs various forum members refuse to watch. The public standard for what constitutes ‘mainstream’ paranormal will no longer be the entertainment value of watching investigators run around haunted houses. What new development could then rekindle the public interest and so help establish what will be accepted as the standard of this discipline?

Science. And the public’s embracement of it.

What caused astronomy to overcome astrology as the mainstream approach to interpreting the cosmos was not only the strength of its science, but more importantly the public’s acceptance of astronomy as the standard by which to reckon the heavens. For the most part, science has replaced superstition, folklore and myth as the driving influence in society, the latter having been relegated to the role of entertainment and diversion. When the current public fascination with the paranormal fad wanes, only science will be able to pick up the torch and carry it back into the public conscience. And since science is not a fad, it alone has the power to propel paranormal research to a place of permanence within the framework of mainstream thought. Science is the only means that is capable of offering validated proofs for the paranormal effect. Only then will the paranormal field be empowered to form a mainstream association and begin to set sound, disciplinary standards. Those groups that do not follow these standards will run the risk of not being recognized as legitimate by the public—they will be marginalized, ignored as rogues and even scorned. Bad news for the entertainers, thrill seekers and ugly-buggers—good news for the rest of humanity. They will be pushed out to the fringe, while those carrying the banner of science within an organized and standardized professional association will occupy the core and enjoy the benefits of legitimacy. This day too is coming. Remember that you read it here first.

The only barrier holding back this new age of paranormal research, legitimacy and unity has been the lack of a strong theoretical model for the workings of these phenomena and the scientific experiments to support it. For the first time in history, this barrier has finally been breached with the experiments of scientist David Rountree ( and my theory of supergeometrics. Our respective work of has finally given us this foundation that researchers have been seeking for so long. David and I first met on a radio interview back in February 2011. On comparing notes, we found that supergeometric theory predicts the very findings obtained by David through his highly advanced experiments designed according to sound, established scientific standards. This historic event is unprecedented, and places us in a unique position to eventually submit the first scientific paper on paranormal mechanics to the scientific establishment. This Dark Age where the field of science is free to simply ignore paranormal phenomena will finally be at an end. The future is now in sight, and the path that follows will serve to bring the field of paranormal research into mainstream science (both in the public consciousness and in the field of physics itself) while pushing the anti-scientific factions in the paranormal community to the fringes, just as it did with astrology. We are finally standing on the precipice of the legitimacy that will pave the way to a new paradigm of paranormal science in the 21st century.

Why is all this so important? Everything that is observable and measurable is physical. Everything that is physical behaves according to the laws and principles that govern the physical universe. We all know that there is still much we are learning about those laws and principles. The study of everything that is physical falls under the science of physics. Are you able to see and even photograph an apparition? Then the effects that allow it to be observable and recordable are physical. Can you hear and record a disembodied voice? Then the effect is physical, and subject to the laws that govern all of the physical. The only component in these events making them ‘para’ normal is the cause or the source if you will. But if these causes produce physical effects, then they too will succumb to the scientific method now that we have a viable theoretical model and the experimental findings to support it.

So what does this mean for paranormal investigative teams today? How should we proceed with this new information? First, realize the fantastic ramifications of what you are observing at a paranormal site. Think of some of the wonders that may await us with a deeper understanding of the way the universe is put together—teleportation, time travel, anti-gravity, the free generation of electromagnetic energy and the like. Aren’t these precisely the same kinds of effects you are observing at the sites of paranormal activity? Moreover, you are able to observe these effects in real time, and on a scale and at predictable locations that enable you to study them scientifically. You as investigators are on the front lines of this quest when you are investigating sites where you encounter these events firsthand. The physicists are still on the sidelines, waiting for you to show them why they should get off their imperialistic pompous butts. Realize the importance of your position. It is you who are the pioneers into this frontier, and as such you are representing the rest of humanity in this quest. Because of the kinds of effects observed, there is every reason to anticipate that paranormal research is the field through which some of the deepest mysteries of reality will be cracked for the advancement of humanity. Think about this.

Next, upon realizing the true extent of the importance of your work, you must then decide how to best fulfill this noble commission. I suggest to you that the best way by which to serve humanity in this endeavor is to begin approaching the work in an organized and scientifically relevant manner. This means you first need to adopt investigative techniques that actually establish a legitimate, scientifically valid controlled experimental environment at these sites. One of the remarkable breakthroughs made by David Rountree was in devising the way that any investigative team can accomplish this with a minimum of effort and investment. Now you can really begin to conduct experiments that are truly scientifically relevant, so that you can help the advancement of this field instead of (forgive me) perpetuating the endless loop of jumping from location to location to record more and more of the same kinds of evidence of which we already have reams (running around a house with an EMF meter is no more experimentally relevant than a tourist running around the countryside with a digital camera). David has given us a way to not only break free of this crippling rut, but in doing so also help blaze the trail to a new epoch in paranormal research. When more and more teams adopt these same techniques and begin to record the identical findings that are also consistent with these new theoretical models, the cumulative effect of all these findings—findings that are now truly scientifically relevant—will be that mainstream physics can no longer ignore or deny you. The public will not stand for it.

Then, as Dr. Barry Taff advises (one of early the pioneers who helped lay the foundations of modern paranormal research, and to whom we all owe a debt of gratitude), educate yourself in basic science (if you are not already). You don’t need a doctorate to do this. You only need to learn the real scientific fundamentals about the environmental effects you encounter like electromagnetic fields, thermodynamics, acoustics and meteorology. You’ll then know how EMFs propagate, understand the mechanics of thermal energy, know how acoustical compression waves behave and travel, and how breezes represent the movement of air molecules from areas of high pressure to adjacent areas of low pressure. With such knowledge you will be able to readily envision precisely what is unfolding physically in front of you, and grasp the deeper meaning behind what your instruments are really telling you. Become a legitimate discipline. Become a science. It is the future.

I also suggest that investigators examine their motives to determine exactly why they are involved with the paranormal. Then consider in sincerity if your goals are consistent with finding answers to the paranormal, or if your motives are better served by the perpetuation of its mystery. Remember that one can no longer feign the excuse that science cannot decipher paranormal phenomena and so there’s no reason to try and no value in such effort. The advances mentioned before have already shattered that myth—it can only continue to be clung to by shoving one’s head in the sand. Do you support the scientific advancement of your field, or are you happy working to keep everything exactly the way it is? In short, decide what side you’re on. We are fast approaching the day when neutrality will not be an option. Now that these scientific breakthroughs have been made, the weight of their momentum will take on a life of its own as their publication becomes more widespread, and that momentum will carry us unswervingly into inevitable conflict. Yes, you can still ignore all this for now—that’s what the alchemists and court astrologers did, and they had their time in the sun. But when one stops to truly contemplate the movement of these waters flowing by us today, it’s clear that at some point in the future, a war will be waged within the community for the very soul of the field of paranormal research.

I know it is coming. And I know who will win.

EMF Meters, should they be calibrated?

I had a “discussion” with a cynic on our facebook page a little while ago where he claimed that EMF meters were junk science it they were not calibrated by a scientific calibration lab.

Here is his question and my answer about this issue.

Q) So clearly no one a, calibrates their device, b, knows how to calibrate or recalibrate and c, uses a calibrated device. You don’t think this is a problem?

A) First I’d like to point your attention to an article (link) below.

Here is a pertinent quote from that article. I will then answer the question you just asked.

“The EMF feature can operate in a standard or “burst” high speed mode, and will measure extreme low frequency (ELF)as low as 30Hz this is 20Hz lower than the KII which measures only as low as 50Hz. 50Hz is not considered to be part of the ELF range. The theory again being that an entity may be present in the ELF range of the EMF spectrum which commonly registers between 2.0 and 7.0 mG in strength. Most teams use EMF meters to debunk claims of activity claiming that long exposure to high EMF can cause paranoia nausea even effect moods but I think its important to know that this may not be the ONLY use EMF meters remember that the field of Paranormal Investigation is fraught with theory after theory and until we can 100% dismiss a theory it remains as much part of the investigation as any other. As long as there is something to the theory I believe we should research and develop tools to test them. Other important observations worth mentioning is that the Mel meter circuit design combined with careful shielding and grounding techniques, is not susceptible to false positives created by Cell phones, Text messages, Walkie Talkies, and other RF transmitting interference devices.”

See: The Mel Meter Review

I know that is not a complete answer, but please read the article.

Now let’s examine your question. Many do not calibrate their devices and I am reasonably certain that none take it to a scientific lab to have it calibrated. I don’t particularly care because it is not the only device we rely upon also, it does not need to be 100% accurate considering how it is used in the field.

Let’s look at an example of why it does not need to be accurate that happened to me outside of the paranormal field.

I just recently moved into a new house where the sprinkler system wasn’t working in one of the zones. I called in a service man from the sprinkler system installer. He was trying to find the electrical junction box for the sprinklers system that was buried in the yard. He said he forgot his meter in the other truck and would have to go get it. I said hang on a minute, and pull out my KII meter from my kit and low and behold I was able to pinpoint the junction box to the exact location. Did he care what the reading was on the KII? Did he care if it had been properly calibrated? Would if have mattered in this example if it was or wasn’t properly calibrated?

The answer to all those questions is NO. It served it’s purpose in pinpointing an electrical fluctuation that could not have logically existed if it were not for the circuit box.

If I had a readout to a scale that was located in another room and someone stepped on the scale and it read 225 lbs. I would not need to know their exact weight, or that the scale was calibrated to zero before we began, to reasonable conclude that someone or something was on the scale that weighed a great deal more than when the scale was empty.

We use these devices in the same way. We are looking for variations from the baseline of the environment, it doesn’t matter if it is accurate, only that there is a large variation.

This helps us to first identify man made variations in the environment so that we can rule out the use of our meters if near these areas or identify what are thought to be “EMF Fear Cages” that could be affecting the occupants. Also, if we are in a location, as I was recently, where there was no power, then a large fluctuation in the EMF field at that location would be unexpected and need to be further explored.

Finally, during an investigation after the baseline readings throughout the house have been detected and verified with more that just one EMF meter. We then will have the Meter on while we use other tools, ie. Digital Recorder, to conduct the investigation.

Now normally, I would for example have two EMF meters that are both ready either the same of very close to the same readings, sitting in the middle of a room for example that I already know the baseline for. If during an EVP session, I see both meters fluctuate, then that is a clue.

It is not a conclusion of paranormal activity but a clue that would cause me to listen back to the digital recorder for the last couple of minutes while the variation was occuring. If I also heard a class “A” EVP at the same time as the EMF meters went off then that is a further clue that something out of the ordinary had occurred. If I then listened to a second recorder in the room and heard the same Class “A” EVP then that I would consider evidence of the paranormal. Not that I could prove it later to anyone that wasn’t in the room, since I could fake the same results. But I’m not here to prove anything to you or the world. I am here to discover things about the unkown for my own curiosity as well as to help find the cause of our clients fears.

There was no further questions from the cynic other than to ask the same question repeatedly and then when I wasn’t going to play his game, he started to insult other team members in my group that weren’t even part of the conversation. He got banned after that.

So I hope you learned two things.

1. About EMF Meters and how they should be used.

2. Don’t try to argue with a Cynic!

Until next time….

Scott Blight


Nightside Paranormal Investigations

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Nightside Paranormal Investigations or it’s members.

Para-Unity or “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Para-Unity is the new buzzword of the paranormal field, but what exactly IS the paranormal field, does it exist, if so then who is in it and are they all in it for the same reasons?

That is where Para-Unity has to begin. The way I see it is that there are four distinct branches of the paranormal field;

The Paranormal TV Shows. Ghost Hunters began the modern concept of a serious paranormal research field and did serve it’s purpose I suppose in bringing the belief of the paranormal into the mainstream consciousness. It was a good thought but has been bastardized by the industry that created it. As with most Reality TV, it became too scripted. Youtube is full of confessions by past disgruntled GH members accusing SyFy of scripting and even faking evidence in order to improve ratings. Then there is GHI, Ghost Collector, Fact or Faked, Paranormal Files, Ghost Cops and the list goes on and on. Oh I can’t forget my personal favorite (NOT), Ghost Adventures with the almighty Zak “see my muscles” Bagans and his “OMG Dude!” crew. That show is what is the worst in this branch of the paranormal, running around provoking everything in sight (or not in sight) creating a whole other branch of the paranormal which is…

The “Paranormal Celebrity Wannabe’s” as I call them. These are the people that start all sorts of groups that mimic the likes of Zak et al. Wearing their Goth shirts, sporting angry folded arm looks into the camera. Creating their own Internet TV shows thinking they are going to be discovered as the next big thing in paranormal TV. You’ve got as much of a chance doing that as I have getting a recording contract because I sing karaoke (I am pretty good though).

Then there is the next branch that is a cousin of the Wannabe TV star branch. The “Get Rich off the Paranormal” branch. These are the ones that sell tickets to ghost tours, or do public ghost hunts (bring the kiddies), or the worst is the teams that actually charge clients for doing in house investigations. They share the same things as branch #2 in that they usually don’t utilize scientific methodology in their investigations, they are in fact trying to prove the existence of Ghosts not find the real truth of a case. This group is usually the reason for another buzzword in the field “Para-Drama”. They spread hate of other teams and lie, or become jealous, or overly protective of the region that they have laid claim to, and heaven forbid you should argue that their picture of an orb is just dust, that will get you blocked and deleted altogether.

Then there is the serious researchers or investigators that are in it for primarily two reasons. For their own personal proof in the paranormal and to aid the general public in understanding the paranormal or resolve their fearful situations. They don’t charge for their services and usually spend a great deal of their own money in the pursuit of their goals. This branch actually does believe in cooperation with other teams that share their values and performs investigations trying to first explain or debunk the activity before jumping to the paranormal conclusion. They work together sharing ideas, passing on clients if they cannot help them, asking other teams for help when needed. This is the group I, no my team, chooses to be a member of. A prime example of this cooperation can be found at United Paranormal International, which we are members of.

So now that I have pissed off three quarters of the Paranormal Field, let’s talk a little more about this so called Para-Unity.

Para-Unity cannot exist within the first three categories that I have laid out, it goes against their nature to cooperate and the fourth group wants nothing to do with the first three.

So while Para-Unity cannot work in the entire field overall it can, and does work in the one group that inspires such cooperation, the true Professional (not as in getting paid, but as in integrity and mannerism) Investigators or Researchers.

This group of, dare I say it again, “Professionals” needs to work together and help to weed out the industry of the charlatans, frauds and glory hounds that infest the field. We can self-police our unity and exclude those of that ilk.

This field that I am fond of needs, to be respected before it can be believed. We need to concentrate of the true scientific study of the paranormal with true co-operation and sharing and turn our backs on the vermin that will destroy any credibility they may have if they continue on their paths of mutual destruction.

OK, I feel much better now that I’ve gotten that off my chest. Now to go and check my facebook and twitter accounts to see if I have any friends or followers left.

Until next time….

Scott Blight


Nightside Paranormal Investigations

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Nightside Paranormal Investigations or it’s members.